Rummy CharmFAQ

Easy! Once you are on Rummy Charm choose your sport, register by filling out a short form.

Oops! Please check whether your registered email address and password are entered correctly and try again. If you've forgotten your password, click on 'Forgot Password', enter your registered email ID and we’ll send you a link to reset your password through an email within a few minutes. If you've forgotten your registered email id, reach out to us via Contact Us page.

You can create only one account with one email id on Rummy Charm. Creation of multiple accounts by a single user is strictly prohibited and violates our Fair Play policy.

Sure! Simply log into Rummy Charm and click on ‘Edit details’ on the top right of the page. You will be able to update/edit your full name and mobile number. You can also edit your date of birth, address and state if your Rummy Charm account is ‘Unverified’. Remember, the team name chosen by you and the email id registered once cannot be changed.

Follow these simple steps to play on Rummy Charm:

1 - Register/Log into Rummy Charm after choosing your sport

2 - Click on the ‘Create Team’ button for the match you want to join

3 - Create your team of 11 players (including a Captain, Vice-captain & key player)

4 - Join free or cash contests of your choice. Cash contests let you win cash and require an entry fee, for which we provide multiple payment methods such as Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net banking and PayTM.

5 - Once the live match starts, your team starts earning points based on actual performances of the players selected by you. Final points, ranks and winners are declared after the end of the match

Rummy on Rummy Charm starts as soon as the deadline for the match ends. The deadline (denoted by the countdown ticker) is usually by start of the match.

You will score points depending on how the players in your team perform in the live match. So, make sure you pick a winning combination to help you win! Check out our ‘Fantasy Points System’ section on the ‘How to play’ page to know more.

Yes, it is absolutely safe. We do not store your credit/debit card details with us, including your CVV number. We only work with trusted third-party payment gateways with 3D secure authentication to ensure safety & security of all your financial transactions.